Ericboderek’s Blooming onion

Ericboderek is a glowing ember in the world of crate digging hip hop producers. In his recent release, Bloom, he brings an eclectic mix of MC's from PDX and delivers a soulful tone for anyone who enjoys the a relaxed tone to the craft. Eric, himself, is a father and uplifted what it means to be a parent in the music industry. You will often see his kid, Griffy, talking on his IG and maybe even answering questions from fans. If there's one thing I've learned from being an artist, is you need to embrace who you are, and look deeper into the mirror to keep yourself from getting lost in the flashing lights and bright colors.

When you step into Eric’s lab, you won't be surprised to see some artwork by our friends Bryce Wong and Francisco Morales, and you can sense his appreciation for art past music itself , making the collab to shoot his video for Le Style feel more appropriate. As we set foot into the unusually clean white room, Dobleon had his waffle, and Korey B had his Modelos. Eric was going back and forth about whether to use the clean or dirty version for the track, "you know, for the dads." We all got a good chuckle out of it.

We rigged up the camera, and ran through the motions. Even though Eric hops on the mic in a few songs, this isn't one of those songs. He lets Korey B and Dobleon shine their polished lyrics as he hangs out where he usually is, hanging out in the back, bobbing his head and rocking capped with a Padre's hat.

If you dig this video, be sure to share these wiggly waves and let us know what you think.


Barnes & Morgan


Mundo at Into The Abyss